Thursday, April 12, 2007

Frisco Education Foundation Scholarship Night

Tonight was the highlight of all of the hard work that goes into the Frisco Education Foundation. Tonight we awarded scholarships to high school seniors to help jump start their college career. I received a similar scholarship when I was a high school senior which greatly assisted my ability to go to college so serving on this Board is very rewarding for me. I was happy to hear one of the students I presented to was attending my alma mater, the University of Texas. He is going pre-med and I wish him, along with all other seniors, the best of luck as they go off to college.

1 comment:

Alygant said...

Hi Jeff,

Since we are new to Frisco and Texas (less than 2 years) we don't know any of the candidates, and are checking them out. We live in Hunters Creek and received an email from the HOA encouraging us to vote today, and that is how I found this website. I had some questions for you regarding some of your comments on your blog.
Did you go to UT Austin? Also did you have something to do with getting FOL started up? If so, do you know if there is something down in Austin/Round Rock similar to FOL? We are being relocated there in the next couple months. I think FOL is the best free classifieds anywhere - even better in some ways then Craig's List! It would be nice if there was something similar available down there. Thanks! Good Luck to you! : )